Thursday, July 28, 2011

More about Atlanta

It's been a couple of weeks since I have posted, but I have been extremely busy.

Last Saturday, I was going to take a trip to the Atlanta Zoo. I haven't been there yet, but really want to go. Instead, I spent all day running around for my mother!

Those of you who keep up on Mom's blog,, know that she purchased a new car and is giving me her old one. For me to license it in Georgia, I have to give up my Washington State residency -- something I really don't want to do (taxes and stuff). If I am just working in Georgia, though, I can keep the car licensed in Washington.

So, Mom and Donna ran around on Friday getting the paperwork necessary to give me the car. Now, I needed to get a form notarized and sent to them.

Mom filled out the label on the overnight delivery envelope carefully -- then switched the last two digits of my zip code. When the package hadn't arrived by noon, I checked with the Post Office and found out the problem; the envelope was in a post office 5 miles away and if I wanted it today I would have to pick it up in person. I quickly rented a ZipCar, set my phone to the address (love Google Navigation!), and raced over there. I didn't realize the highway to Sandy Springs is a toll road, and had to beg my way through since all I had on me was 46 cents of a 50 cent toll. (Toll collector: "Don't you have any more pennies?" No, I don't, or I wouldn't be begging).

Once I picked up the package, it was too late for me to go to my bank and get the paper notarized. I figured since I was just a couple of miles from the Atlanta Temple, that I would go there and at least take a picture --so I did.

I needed groceries, so figured that while I had the car I might as well do that. When I found a grocery store, it had a bank inside -- and, a notary public! I just needed to open an account, and I got the document notarized. By the time I found the post office to drop off the return envelope and got home, I was exhausted. But, I now have a new car.

Or I will  have a new car soon -- Mom and Donna are driving it to Atlanta from Sequim in two weeks. It will be an adventure!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Georgia State Department of Education

What am I doing in Atlanta? I am working at the Georgia State Department of Education, creating a website for special ed teachers. The building I am working in is beautiful. I am on the 19th floor of the "Twin Towers" office building right next to the state Capitol.

Geographically, Atlanta is very flat. From my floor (not from my cubicle, though) you can see for miles around. Here are a few views:

I work with a great group, and am really enjoying the job. I should be here for a long time!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Welcome to my humble home..

Come in, sit down, converse.
It doesn't always look like this --
Some times it's even worse!

I had a nice hotel, the Melia, for my first three days in Atlanta. I had researched the area thoroughly, and decided I wanted to live near work, yet far enough north that I wouldn't be downtown at night.

I found the perfect place at Uptown Square Apartments, in what is called the Lindbergh City Center.

Here's what wikipedia has to say:
In the early 2000s, as part of the Lindbergh City Center project, two large office buildings, retail, restaurants and parking decks were constructed on MARTA owned land above the station and in 2005 ground was broken across Piedmont for a large "new urbanist" development. Originally, the station consisted of a single island platform when opened in 1984. In 2002, during the development of the surrounding area, a side platform was constructed on the northbound side of the station to accommodate the increased ridership and transfers between the Red and Gold rail llines.

My apartment building is part of this construction. Here is what it looks like:

I am in the rear of the building, 3rd floor, overlooking the swimming pool. (I drew an arrow pointing to my balcony).

(And, no, I haven't used the pool yet. But it is beautiful looking down at it.)

My apartment is 708 square feet, and laid out in the mirror image of this:

My furniture right now is rather sparse -- a folding table and chair and an airbed -- with a memory foam topper. I only need to put air in every few days, and the foam doesn't squeak as much as it did, although I will probably put some kind of lining under it.

Next post: more about my new job.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Atlanta??? I don't think this is the Emerald City, Toto.

How did I end up in Atlanta? A lot has happened to me in the 8 months since I last posted to this blog.

I needed to find a job that I would enjoy, and that would pay me enough to support my family. (My last job -- which I never should have taken -- paid nearly 30% less than I earned at Rosetta.)

So, I started looking again. In June, I found the perfect job in Alameda, California -- but a few hours before I was to leave, the company put a hiring freeze on.

A week later, I found a great job in Denver, CO -- but, on my way driving there, I got a call saying that the company wasn't ready for me yet. I spent the night in Casper, WY, before coming home.

A week later, I found a great job again in Atlanta. I flew in for the job interview, and spent less than 24 hours for the entire trip. Shortly after I got home, I was given a start date in one week. I threw together what I could take in a suitcase, got a room for 3 days in a hotel, flew in at 7:00 AM and starting working at 9:00 AM. What a ride!

So here I am, working for the Department of Education in Georgia. We are creating a website to help special ed teachers create IEPs (Individual Educational Plan). I was in a meeting today with two of the top Special Ed directors for the state. Both were impressed by how much I knew about Special Ed and IEPs -- thanks to my children, of course. :)

I am going to try to post frequently. I miss my grandbabies -- Tyler, Avery, and Harper -- and want to share my new job and surroundings with them.

Next post -- all about Atlanta!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Adventures at the Pacific Science Center

On Saturday, October 16th, my sons and grandchildren went to the Pacific Science Center.

The first room we entered was filled with dinosaurs! These are somewhat animated creatures that are 1/2 scale models. They periodically roar. Tyler was fascinated, but scared. We tried to get him to stand closer to one to get a good picture, but he wouldn't get anywhere close. Avery hardly noticed -- she just saw lots of room to run, and she ran!

Next, we went to the butterfly room. Tyler loves butterflies, and enjoyed getting close to them. We saw them flying and resting and even eating (bananas and oranges). We had to be very careful not to step on any, so we all watched our feet. Karl came close to killing one -- he stopped and discovered a butterfly between his feet. A close call!

We attended the preschool planetarium show. Avery slept through the show; Tyler enjoyed looking at the stars. He got to pet a stuffed bunny and a bear, shapes that were found in the stars.

What Tyler loved best was the water! Inside, there is a stream of water in the toddler's section. He didn't want to leave it. When his dad finally said, "No more water!" he had a small tantrum (no crying or yelling, just walking away very obviously angry).

Tyler and Avery had a lot of fun in the toddler's area.

We had pizza for lunch over at the Center House. I had a salad with blue cheese dressing; Avery dipped her pizza crust into my dressing, took a bite, made a face, then continued dipping and eating. Strange child!

Tyler was fascinated by the "penny flattening" machine in the Center House. An older man came by, wanting a souvenir penny. Tyler was gracious enough to pull the crank for him!

After lunch, we went to the movie "Bugs!". It was a great movie about insects in the rain forest, but it was too much for Tyler. All of those bugs that were bigger than him upset him, so he left to go to the bathroom and didn't come back. Avery, again, slept through the movie.

As we left the Science Center, Tyler saw an area with brass butterflies and dinosaurs imbedded in concrete -- a money-raising activity. Tyler immediately went over and started stomping on the brass objects. He said, "I stepping on butterflies!" with a huge grin on his face.

Next adventure: Tyler's 3rd birthday. Don't tell him what Nama bought him:

Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm a blogger!

OK, this is it -- I have finally set up my own blog. The purpose of this blog is to share my adventures with my grandchildren, as well as share other things that I do.

As you all should know, I have done a lot of family research over the years, and know many stories about our ancestors. I will be including these stories as well as sharing my research will all of you.

Watch for exciting things to come!